Happy Medieval Monday! Today I have Judith Sterling visiting with her next snippet from Return of the Raven and things are heating up! And I'm visiting over at her blog with my next snippet from Lachlann's Legacy. Enjoy!
He hardened at the memory of her wet, shapely body. “Quite the opposite.”
“But you’ve never kissed me. Perhaps that is where my charms fail.”
“A flawed theory if ever I heard one.”
“Is it?” She stood and moved to the center of the carpet. Her eyes held a dare. “Then let’s test it.”
Sure. Let’s strike a flint and see just how badly we get burned.
See last week’s snippet on Eliza Knight’s blog: https://eknightauthor.com/news/
Follow along next week on Mary Morgan’s blog: https://www.marymorganauthor.com/blog

Margaret, Lady Ravenwood, is trapped in a loveless marriage and firmly entrenched in the medieval world. Along comes Griffin Nightshade, a historian from the future whose soul resonates with hers. He persuades her to return with him to the 1950s, but heeding her heart means courting danger from a curse that could spell her doom.
Haunted by his parents' sudden deaths, Griffin knows all too well the pain born of love lost. He guards his emotions, but Margaret delves deep and goes straight to the soul. She's hard to resist…and harder to set free.
The heart's desire and history's demands don't always agree. Yet true love is eternal.
Buy links:
Amazon https://amzn.com/B08RYD2GW8
He is sooo going to give in! I can feel it coming! I mean, really, how can he resist?
I hope that your week has started off well, Judith and Ashley! Happy Medieval Monday!
Thanks so much for hosting me today!