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#MedMon18 Welcome Back for More Great Reads

It's Monday - you can't avoid it - so let's make it Medieval. I love history and one of my favorite time periods is medieval. Great escape. Over the course of those one thousand years, there was a lot happening. That's the exciting thing about these authors! Do you love knights in shining armor? Then don't read a medieval set in the 11th century. Do you love the bands of warriors traveling across the open fields, fighting battles with pikes and blades? Then you want earlier still. And does courtly finery excite you? Then there better be some kingdoms, right? Say post 12th century?

You can find all these time periods in the books I'll be sharing because, just like you, these authors have a time period that they love. Sharing it with you just makes it so much better for them.

Every week I'll feature a different author with a snippet from one of her books. Enough to wet your appetite :) And if you want more of that author, just follow her excerpt to the next blog. In all there will be fourteen weeks of snippets- that all go together-for you to enjoy. And, yes, there will be buy links provided.

So get ready! We start next week. Right here!

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