Here's an old movie review (2016!) that slipped through the cracks.

We went to the movies to see Sing but it was sold out. Starting about the same time was this movie, Why Him. I think it was Zoey Deutch that convinced me to see this one because I saw her on Jimmy Fallon and liked her. I do not like Franco! (I loved Freaks and Geeks)
To say the movie is "crass" really doesn't say quite enough. You need a bigger warning than that. How about - if you don't believe in "poetic license," don't see this one. I was not bothered by the "crassness" because that's what the movie was all about. They did a wonderful job creating a lovable-like-a-puppy character with the dirtiest mouth, vilest behaviors, and totally self-gratifying attitude ever!
That parents get to be people, too, is the message I took away. When somebody drops the "he's a dic*" in front of me, it just tells me he's comfortable being himself around me. *Shrug*
I'd love to hear your opinions on the movie in the comments below.
WARNING: I am not a professional reviewer, but a consumer "reviewer" :)