Okay I may be partial with that title since I'm such a romantic :)
Welcome back to the penultimate snippet for #MedMonFall20. The way this works is that each participating author chooses an excerpt to share for the duration and breaks it into short little snippets to wet your pallet ;) You can find all these authors here.
I'm continuing with my excerpt from The Gentle Knight, book two in the Norman Conquest series, because that's where we first meet Lachlann from Lachlann's Legacy. Enjoy!
They halted their horses but no one moved to get down. When Brighit caught him watching her, she offered a reassuring smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
“I will be well,” she spoke the words aloud before turning to Lachlann. “Can you help me down?”
Peter was there before the Scot’s foot touched the ground, spreading his hands about her small middle and lifting her down. She weighed next to nothing. He didn’t immediately release her. She stood close enough to feel her warmth. She was close enough to kiss. She was close enough to still press against him.
“Lachlann, can you get the horses some water?” Peter asked, his eyes remaining on Brighit.

Brighit MacNaughton is an obedient daughter following her father's death bed decree that she take her vows and become the virginal bride of Christ. The hired men seeing her to the Priory at Tanshelf are more interested in the building resentment against the English king than her safety. But when the handsome Norman knight offers his protection against the lecherous mercenaries, he sparks her passion with his gentle touch and smoldering looks of desire, reminding her of dreams best forgotten. Can one night with him quench the intense need in her or will it cause the fire to burn out of control? Peter of Normandy is a trusted knight of King William, sent north to subdue the unrest and rumblings of revolt at York. Giving aid to an Irish princess more noble than many knights, he is quickly overcome with the need to possess her. With a body meant for a man's pleasure and an unrelenting stubbornness to follow her father's wishes, he struggles against giving her what she wants if it can only be for one night. Will one night of passion prove to be enough or will it unleash an insatiable need that makes him never want to let her go?
The Gentle Knight is available here
Lachlann's Legacy is available here
They are so sweet! Love this scene! Happy Holidays, Ashley!
I can feel his reluctance to part from her! Lovely snippet, Ashley. Have a wonderful week!
Nice move, Peter! Happy Medieval Monday, Ashley!
Aha! Getting Lachlann out of the way. Smart man :) Happy first week of December, Ashley. Can you believe the year has flown so?