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A Medieval Knight Stays in Control

Welcome back for week 4 of #MedMonFall20. Medieval authors are sharing their blog links here and these snippets are a peek into some of the best excerpts! And why not? Medieval is the best!

In anticipation of my upcoming release, Lachlann's Legacy, I'm continuing with my excerpt from The Gentle Knight where we first meet Lachlann. Peter is the hero who is not quite able to separate his duty from his feelings....and that continues right here. Enjoy :)


Peter would not have believed his irritation could get any worse until this moment. He felt ready to burst. A jiggling movement behind him that felt suspiciously like suppressed laughter gave him an ideal outlet for his anger.

“Enough.” The command came in a menacingly low tone. “I see no humor in this situation.”

A few minutes later, it started again. Peter pulled up his horse and jumped to the ground. He pierced Mort with his look then crossed over to Lachlann and Brighit. The man had moved his reins to one hand so his other arm could wrap around Brighit’s waist. Peter closed the distance and reached up to remove a startled Brighit.


A medieval soldier returns home to find his lover died in childbirth just as his own mother had. Believing he is cursed, Peter of Normandy turns from love. When he must give escort to an Irish princess more noble than many knights, he struggles with his decision to live a solitary life. Can he take the chance that his love won’t be a death sentence and possibly make them stronger?

Padraig MacNaughton’s death-bed decree rips his daughter, Brighit, from the shelter of her protective clan in Ireland. Forced to take vows at a Priory in England, she finds herself in the hands of lecherous mercenaries with their own agendas. Dare she trust the Norman knight to see her safely to her new life as a nun? Even when she finds in him the fulfillment of all she’s ever wanted?

Or will honor and duty eclipse their one chance for happiness?

Available in print and e-copy here.

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4 commentaires

Kelley Heckart
Kelley Heckart
13 oct. 2020

LOL He is so jealous.


Anastasia Abboud
Anastasia Abboud
12 oct. 2020

Yaay! He couldn't stand it a moment longer! Love it! Happy Medieval Monday, Ashley!


12 oct. 2020

How dare she be finding amusement--and riding with Lachlann!! :) Lovely excerpt, Ashley !


He is NOT happy! I wonder how Brighit will respond...

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