Happy July! And Happy Medieval Monday! My week two featured author is Rue Allyn with a snippet from her book Knight Errant. Be sure to leave a comment at all her snippets for a chance to be entered in the drawing for free stuff :)
You can find my next snippet from Daughter of the Overking at Rue's Blog.
“Basti!” Juliana gasped and hid the dagger in the sleeve of her shirt. Fear threatened to swamp her anger. She must not let him see her fright. She firmed her stance, determined to resist him at all costs.
The small man gave her an elegant bow. “Sorella Juliana, how pleasant to see you again.”
By the time he straightened, she had her smile in place and her hands linked before her. The dagger hilt rested unseen within her cupped palms with the blade resting along her inner arm.
Miss last week and a chance to comment? Check it out here
Follow Rue to next week's snippet (July 8, 2019) here

Set during the early days of the Inquisition, Sir Robert Clarwyn must find a way to compel Lady Juliana Verault to return to England, or he’ll lose any chance of regaining his family lands and redeeming his heritage.
Yet Juliana must complete her mission to ensure a safe future for her gender in the church. With danger and intrigue mounting, Robert and Juliana must rely on each other and risk everything … including their hearts.
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